Kitchen Soup Project
Farms to Kitchens to Communities
Distributing produce to stewards of the hearth. Stirring the pot … and providing food to those in need.
Stirring soup on the hearth • Stirring happiness in the heart • Stirring hope on the Earth

Gifts from Participating Farms
Kitchen Soup Project
— The Process —
Produce from local, participating organic farms
In season, when possible
Food preserved, canned, dried, frozen, root cellared, cold storage, as available
Items not grown here (such as legumes, salt, oil) purchased organic, non-GMO, and fair trade, local, if possible
Pick up & Prepare
Volunteer chefs are emailed suggested recipes & organic produce choices.
Produce, soup labels & containers are picked up & brought home.
A protein source, spices & additional produce are gathered as needed.
Volunteers prepare, label & freeze a hearty soup in their home kitchen.
Frozen soups are delivered to the local food shelf.
Soup is distributed to families & individuals in need.